Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Butternut Pear Bisque

As I mentionned before, we had a ton of pears and neither of us are big plain pear eaters but the challenge to find recipes incorporating them was a success! This soup was fabulous, combining the pears and butternut squash from the farm.

I loosely based the soup on this recipe from Food Network.

Swirl some EVOO in stock pot and add 2 medium onions, diced, Saute to soft. Add 1 medium butternut squash peeled, seeded and cut into 1-inch pieces, then 4 pears, peeled and chopped into roughly 1-inch pieces.

Add 1-quart low sodium chicken stock, or enough to cover (I just did enough to cover, did not measure). Add a pinch of nutmeg, a tablespoon or so of ground ginger, and a healthy dose of white pepper. I am not a pepper fan, but the white variety is more mild and helped to counter the sweetness of the pear and butternut. Also toss in a little salt. Let the soup simmer until butternut is soft (approx 15 min). Put solids in blender and blend to smooth. Add back to broth and stir. Add a little cream for color.

Add more ginger/pepper/salt/nutmeg to taste as needed and serve.

REALLY good. This made plenty of soup for freezing as well.

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