Monday, July 23, 2007

Weekly Farm Share

So I have realized that the hardest part about blogging for me is finding the time to upload pics. It doesnt take long... but doesnt seem to happen! So hopefully tonight I will upload and have piles to blog about... but until then, last weeks farm share!

6 ears of butter and sugar corn - they have their own hydrid super sweet corn (solid yellow kernals) in now so Im hoping that is what we get next week! We didnt have the last of it until Sat night - a long time to wait to eat corn from wed, but it was STILL so good and sweet - gotta love good local corn :)

4 huge sweet potatos - have cooked one for Ryan a few days ago (trying to lose weight so no taters for me!) the rest will last a long time!

4 summer squash - I think ill put one into Ryans pasta tonight (Im being super nice and making salmon for me and spaget. for him!) and saute or roast one for myself

2 peaches - yummy

piles of grapes (no me gusta but luckily Ryan loves them!)

Sunflowers - I only JUST threw the ones away from the previous week too - they last forever!

Lettuce (yumm!)


Ummm I think that was it... nothin too fancy or crazy but plenty of goodies for us to work our way through! I bought some local tomatos too, and some basil that is in a little bouquet by the sink - not only is it yummy but its pretty and makes the kitchen smell fantastic!

Cant wait to see what we get next week!

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